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Meeting with the candidate Mayor of Nicosia Charalambos Prountzos

CTAO news team

Χαράλαμπος Προύντζος και Δήμος Αντώνιου

Following through on its commitment to promote open dialogue with candidates in the upcoming local elections, the Cyprus Third Age Observatory recently met with Charalambos Prountzos, a candidate for Mayor of Nicosia.


At the meeting, the Cyprus Third Age Observatory, in response to Mr. Prountzos' call for a comprehensive discussion, presented its activities and proposals for creating age-friendly cities. The President of the Observatory, Mr. Demos Antoniou, highlighted the crucial role of local government in empowering older people through scientific programs and European best practices. He also briefed Mr. Prountzos on the Mentoring Across Borders and Remcread European programs, in which the Observatory is a partner, emphasizing the need for close cooperation between the Nicosia Municipality and the Observatory to implement specially designed actions.

Mr. Prountzos shared his vision and proposals for active and dignified aging, stating, "I had a constructive meeting with the President of the Board of Directors of the Third Age Observatory. The Cyprus Third Age Observatory champions the rights of older people to live without discrimination, with equal opportunities, equal treatment, and active participation in all areas of society. Our goal, through the Nicosia Strategy and in collaboration with the Third Age Observatory, is to transform Nicosia into an inclusive city that cares for its older residents."

This dialogue underscores the importance of collaboration between NGOs and local government in developing strategies that promote the inclusion and active participation of older people in our society.


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