Under the High Patronage
of the First Lady
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EU Transparency Registry number

European Parliament
Office in Cyprus
under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Republic of Cyprus
8th December 2023 | Presidential Palace

Cyprus's demography is experiencing a significant change, particularly in terms of an ageing population. The fact that the country's population is ageing at an alarming rate must be a concern for everyone. It is foreseen that nearly 30% of the population will comprise seniors over the next decade. While this demographic shift poses significant challenges, it also presents unique opportunities. The European Political Conference on Active, Healthy and Dignified Ageing sheds light on the issues and prospects of ageing in Cyprus and the rest of Europe.
As people age, they often encounter various obstacles, some of which are deeply ingrained in social attitudes and structures. Abuse, neglect, economic exploitation, and ageism are some of the significant issues that older individuals face regularly. These issues are not just mere theoretical statistics but are experiences that require immediate and urgent attention from everyone, particularly from the state and politicians.
Despite the challenges of ageing and the increasing pressure on healthcare systems, pension funds, and social structures, older people can make a significant contribution to the economy with the help of a clear vision and policies that focus on harnessing the potential of the Silver Economy. Developing sectors such as silver tourism, innovative services, and products present opportunities for creating thousands of new jobs. Older people should be considered a dynamic market segment rich in experience and wisdom rather than burdening our country.
Wise policy decisions are necessary to address challenges and opportunities related to population ageing. Policymakers are responsible for ensuring that older people age healthily, actively, and with dignity while also unleashing the potential of the silver economy. This conference will delve into the intricacies of population ageing, including the personal experiences of older people, macroeconomic trends, and policy imperatives.
Through expert presentations, we will gain valuable insights into the world of older people - a world we are all heading to with no return. This conference aims to inspire action to safeguard the human rights of older people, combat ageism, embrace them with love, and prioritise policies and good practices that enable them to make meaningful contributions to society and the country's economy.
Demos Antoniou
Cyprus Third Age Observatory
08:30-09:00 Arrival of delegates and officials
09:00-09:40 Opening speeches
Demos Antoniou, President, Cyprus Third Age Observatory
Maciej Kucharczyk, Secretary General, AGE Platform Europe
Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President, European Commission and Commissioner of Democracy and Demography
Andreas Kettis, Head of the European Parliament Office in Cyprus
H.E. the Archbishop of Cyprus Georgios
H.E. Mr Nikos Christodoulides, President of the Republic of Cyprus

09:40-10:20 Round Table discussion 1:
Political Party Statements on Active, Healthy and Dignified Ageing
Constantinos Phellas, President of the Cyprus National Bioethics Committee
Efthimios Diplaros, Deputy Leader of the Democratic Rally
Evanthia Savva, Head of the Social Policy Sector of the Progressive Party of Working People
George Solomou, General Secretary of the Democratic Party
Morfakis Solomonides, General Manager of the Movement for Social Democracy EDEK
Andreas Themistocleous, Spokesman of the Democratic Alingment
10:20-11:00 Round Table discussion 2:
Silver Economy and its contribution to the economies of the Member States
Moderator: Demos Antoniou, President of the Cyprus Third Age Observatory
Yiannis Panayiotou, Minister of Labour and Social Insurance of the Republic of Cyprus
Kostas Koumis, Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Reoublic of Cyprus
Costas Mavrides, MEP of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Bernd Tuchen, Small and Medium Businesses, Senior Experten Service (SES-Bonn)
Myrto Maria Ranga, Psychogerontologist / Geriatrician
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-12:00 Round Table discussion 3:
Health and Safety
Moderator: Marios Kyriazis, Specialist Physician -Gerontologist
Popi Nicolaidou Kanari, Minister of Health of the Republic of Cyprus
Evridiki Papastavrou, Associate Adjunct Professor and Student Ombuds of the Cyprus University of Technology
Marios Kouloumas, Honorary President of the Cyprus Patients Association

Round Table discussion 4:
Policies and good practices for active and quality ageing
Moderator: Marina Polycarpou, Gerontologist
Marilena Evangelou, Deputy Minister of Social Welfare of the Republic of Cyprus
Maciej Kucharczyk, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe
Constantinos Phellas, President of the Cyprus National Bioethics Committee
Marina Ioannou, Art Psychotherapist
12:40-14:00 Lunch break
Round Table discussion 5:
Ageing with dignity and Human rights
Moderator: Stavros Parlalis, Associate Professor at Frederick University Cyprus
Anna Koukkides Procopiou, Minister of Justice and Public Order of the Republic of Cyprus
Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, MEP, European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
Maria Stylianou Lottides, Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights
Demos Antoniou, President of the Cyprus Third Age Observatory
Round Table discussion 6:
Age-friendly cities
Moderator: Myrto Maria Ranga, Psychogerontologist / Geriatrician
Konstantinos Ioannou, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus
Andreas Viras, Mayor of Larnaka and President of the Union of Cyprus Municipalities
Elizabeth Mestheneos, Sociologist, Past-President AGE Platform Europe
15:20-16:00 Open discussion
16:00 END of Conference

Co-funded by the
European Union
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

Demos Antoniou
Doxoula Stylianou
Ioannis Tsangarides
Andros Christodoulou
Alexia Kolota
Yiannoula Antoniou
Kiriaki Sarri
Ioanna-Emmeleia Antoniou
Constantinos Phellas
Stelios Stylianou
Marios Kyriazis
Marina Polycarpou
Myrto-Maria Ranga
Stavros Parlalis
Niki Antoniou