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under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Republic of Cyprus




The demographic shift towards an ageing population is a global phenomenon that also seriously impacts our country. According to projections, in the coming decades, 30% of the total population will be people of older age. Adding to this is the so-called "silver tsunami," as the UN refers to, which concerns the Baby Boomers born between 1955 and 1965. This age group will soon exit the workforce, and their inclusion in the 65-and-over category will create additional complex and multi-dimensional challenges.


The Lightcast report offers the most comprehensive data on the global labour market, emphasising that the Baby Boomer generation's retirement represents a structural change. That, along with the decreased participation of younger generations in the workforce, will be challenging to reverse. This issue is one of the most significant concerns that has emerged, and the state cannot keep neglecting it.


Given the already problematic situation of older adults in Cyprus, we cannot afford to remain passive, ignoring the fact that these issues will affect us, our children, and our grandchildren. The demographic composition of Cyprus is undergoing significant changes, presenting unprecedented challenges. If we do not act today, future generations will face an unbearable social and economic burden.


Today's seminar, titled "A Europe for ALL Ages," the slogan and priority of AGE Platform Europe, aims to highlight the challenges and opportunities arising from population ageing. Issues such as ageism, elder abuse and financial exploitation, social isolation, and the lack of preventive structures and programmes will be discussed. At the same time, the positive prospects that ageing can offer will be underscored, provided older people actively participate in the social and economic life of the country.


The utilisation of older adults within the framework of the silver economy, as successfully implemented in other European countries, can significantly contribute to the country's development. Policies and programmes must focus on showcasing older people's talent, creativity, and valuable experience, providing them with opportunities to contribute to society and the economy.


Therefore, we must start "thinking outside the box" and take action. A society thrives when its foundations are solid, and these foundations are none other than our older population. Their value is not solely reflected in economic criteria, benefits, or statistical data but primarily in how we respect, recognise, and utilise their contributions. In this colossal endeavour, the state must be supportive, prioritising ageing issues and shaping a sustainable future for all generations.

Demos Antoniou

President of the Cyprus Third Age Observatory​


09:00-09:30 Registrations

09:30-09:50 Opening speeches     

  1. Demos Antoniou, President, Cyprus Third Age Observatory

  2. Constantinos Phellas, President, Cyprus National Bioethics Committee

  3. Andreas Kettis, Head of the European Parliament Office in Cyprus

  4. H.E. Mr. Nikos Christodoulides, President of the Republic of Cyprus 

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Patient with Healthcare Nurse


Round Table discussion: Health and Safety


Marios Kyriazis, Specialist Physician -Gerontologist

  • Michalis Damianos, Minister of Health (represented)

  • Efthimios Diplaros, President of the Health Committee of the Cyprus Parliament

  • Maria Stylianou Lottidi, Commissioner of Administration and the Protection of Human Rights

  • Marios Kouloumas, Honorary President of the Federation of Patient Associations of Cyprus

Roundtable 2: Quality Aging and Human Rights



Yiannoula Antoniou, Director of the Memory Centre of the Cyprus Third Age Observatory

  • Antreas Kafkalias, President of the Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance Committee of the Cyprus Parliament

  • George Georgiou, MEP of the Left Group

  • Josie Christodoulou, Commissioner for Gender Equality

  • Demos Antoniou, President of the Cyprus Third Age Observatory

11:10-11:30 Coffee Break

Roundtable 3 : Active Ageing and Silver Economy


Demos Antoniou, President of the Cyprus Third Age Observatory


  • Yiannis Panagiotou, Minister of Labor and Social Insurance

  • Costas Mavridis, MEP of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats

  • Constantinos Phellas, President of the Human Resources Development Authority

Family Vacation
Playing Foosball


Roundtable 4: Age friendly cities


Constantinos Phellas, President of the Cyprus National Bioethics Committee

  • Constantinos Ioannou, Minister of Interior

  • Charalambos Prountzos, Mayor of Nicosia

  • Charalambos Christofinas, Commissioner of the Development of Mountain Communities

12:50-13:00 Closing remarks

  • Demos Antoniou • Constantinos Phellas

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Co-funded by the
European Union

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

Registration form | participation is free

In the case of organizations or other entities, please register each individual.

18-39 years old
40-64 years old
65 years and older

GDPR compliance

Please note that the information collected will be used for reporting purposes and may therefore be shared with the European Commission.

I consent to the use of my name in relation to the photos/videos of the conference, if necessary by the Cyprus Third Age Observatory
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