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Mentoring Across Borders

The Cyprus Third Age Observatory announced the launch of the innovative project "Mentoring Across Borders (MAB)", which is funded by the European Union through Erasmus+.

The programme's launch, which involves 13 organisations from 9 different countries, took place last week in Brussels, and the Observatory was represented by its President, Mr Demos Antoniou.

MAB is a very important project because it aims to support, through lifelong learning, people's educational, professional and personal development by deploying, testing and validating an intergenerational, cross-border mentoring programme between older, experienced people and young apprentices (18-30 years old) at risk of being marginalised.

By bringing together Western, Eastern and Southern European organisations, the project provides an excellent opportunity for participating organisations to exchange experiences and best practices with peer organisations across Europe, increase the quality and relevance of their activities, develop and strengthen their partner networks and increase their capacity to operate at a transnational level.

In about six months, the online platform will be ready where people over 50 years old who wish to offer their knowledge and experience, as well as young people up to 30 years old who want to receive specialised knowledge, can register. To this end, workshops and information campaigns will be organised to inform the public about this innovative programme and how they can use this online platform.


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