Under the High Patronage
of the First Lady
T. +357 2531 0617
EU Transparency Registry number


The project aims to gain support from present and candidate MEPs and important stakeholders in Cyprus on AGE Platform's manifesto and recommendations regarding issues affecting older individuals. The project also encourages the public to vote for candidates who support AGE's recommendations in the upcoming European elections. Thus, we propose the organization of a day conference in Cyprus with the participation of present and candidate MEPs, high-level figures from the political parties and stakeholders from Cyprus and other European countries.
The conference aims to discuss AGE recommendations for active, healthy, and dignified ageing and encourage the participants to adopt and commit to these recommendations publicly. In addition, to foster a productive and lasting dialogue with the Cyprus Third Age Council, a body formed by the Council of Ministers in 2018, with its members being representatives from all older people's organizations of Cyprus.
Specifically, some of the objectives which we want to implement through our project are:
Inform present and potential MEPs, as well as their political parties, about the goals and recommendations of AGE.
Host an informative meeting for MEPs interested in learning more about the project and its activities.
Create a Voter Awareness Campaign prior to the elections to build a bridge between voters and MEP candidates promoting AGE recommendations through this campaign.
Organize a day conference for present and candidate MEPs to discuss important issues related to older people. The event will be open to the public and attended by high-level government officials, political parties, local authorities, and civil society organizations.
Create a Blog that fosters an open and constructive conversation in the lead-up to the elections. This Blog will facilitate collaboration between policymakers, key stakeholders, and the general public. Its purpose is to serve as a bridge connecting voters with specific candidates.
Continuous monitoring and dissemination of the results.