The Cyprus Third Age Observatory is delighted to announce the appointment of its President, Demos Antoniou, as one of the five internal reviewers of the European Organization AGE Platform Europe. This significant role underscores the impact of our organization in the field of ageing and human rights. The AGE Platform Europe, based in Brussels, is the official interlocutor of the European Union in these matters. Its members, large organizations with millions of members across Europe, are instrumental in shaping policy on issues related to active, healthy and dignified ageing.
The appointment of Mr. Antoniou as an internal reviwer holds significant importance for both Cyprus and the organization. It acknowledges the outstanding work carried out at the Observatory and emphasizes its global presence. The evaluators are responsible for developing and assessing research on courses and projects of the AGE and its members. The proposed guidelines and recommendations carry great significance for the organization's future and subsequently, the future well-being of millions of older people across Europe.
The designation of Mr Antoniou as an internal reviewer in such a large organization in the European Union is another example that, however small Cyprus may be, it can have an important role in serious issues arising from the demographic shift of the population towards ageing.
